Workflows and Tasks


A workflow is a named list of tasks to be accomplished for a given business process. Workflows are set up by a system administrator via the Workflow Templates page. Workflow tasks are displayed on the My Tasks Dashboard page and on the Workflow and Tasks tab of any detail page that supports workflows—namely, one of the following pages:

  • Submission Details

  • Evaluation Details

  • Compliance/Enforcement Action Details

  • Project Details

Tasks within a workflow are assigned to specific workgroups and/or users.

Workflows are assigned to submissions (applications/requests or schedules), evaluations, and compliance actions. Each item can be assigned multiple workflows if desired.

Workflow and Task Statuses

Workflows can have a status of In Process, Complete, or Withdrawn.

Tasks within a workflow can have a status of Pending, Unstarted, In Process, Complete, or Withdrawn.

Task Assignment/Completion Notifications

nVIRO facilitates efficient communication by sending notifications when tasks are assigned or completed. When a task is Unstarted or In Process status, and the task is assigned to a new user, the newly assigned user receives a New Task Assignment Notification. The notification is not sent if a person is assigning a task to themselves. When a task is completed, the processor for the overall item (submission, evaluation, etc.) will receive a Task Completed notification. The notification is not sent if the user setting the task to complete is also the overall item assigned processor.

Automatically Created Workflows

Under certain circumstances, applications may have one or more workflows added to them automatically upon receipt into nVIRO. These default workflows for new applications are set up by a system administrator when configuring form behavior. An important caveat is that, in order for a default workflow to automatically be added to an imported application, the permit category for that workflow (configured in the "Permit Category to Create" field on the Edit Workflow Template page) must not have any associated permit types. This is because, for permit categories that include one or more permit types, it's not possible to know in advance which permit type should be added to the application upon import; rather, the assignment of a particular permit type is a manual operation that the application processor needs to perform after importing the application. 

Other types of items, such as evaluations and schedules, may be configured to have default workflows added to them when the items themselves are created. 

Creating or Changing a Permit using a Submission Workflow

In the case of workflows which apply to submissions such as applications, renewals or terminations, workflows can be configured to affect (or not affect) permits in a designated way. For example, a workflow template for processing an application for a new permit would be configured to create a new draft permit.

Assigning a workflow to an application is a fundamental and critical action within the system, because it is at this point that a new permit record (or a permit revision or renewal record) is created. 

For application workflows, a workflow can be configured for one of the following permit behaviors:

  • Does not create or change a permit

  • Creates a new v1.0 permit

  • Creates a revision to an existing permit (e.g., v1.0 to v1.1)

  • Creates a new version of an existing permit (e.g., v1.0 to v2.0)

  • Workflow affects current permit version (this option allows the linked permit to be edited; useful for permit terminations)

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