Groups and Roles

nSPECT Groups are managed from the nSPECT Administration menu.

Editing an Existing Group

To edit an existing Group, click on the Admin tab and select the Groups option from the Administration drop-down list, the list of Groups is displayed.

Click the Group Name to edit the data for the selected Group. 

Under Roles, check which access rights the members of this group will have. If no Roles are checked, then members of this group have no access rights.

The following table shows the standard available role in nSPECT

Security Role



Administrator to nSPECT application - The gear icon displays

Internal User - Edit

Inspector role - allows user to select an inspection and answer questions

Internal User - Sensitive Edit

Review an inspection - The check mark icon displays

Internal User - Uncomplete

Allow users to Uncomplete a completed inspection

Adding a New Group

To add a new Group, click the New Group button.

Enter the Group Name, Description and select the applicable Role.


To be able to use nSPECT the user must have a role assigned. The table below shows the permission for each role

A user can have a combination of roles to gain access to more functions as needed.

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