Document Visibility to External and Public Users

Settings Vary by Deployment

The visibility rules below are the system defaults. Implementation-specific rules may apply.

Visibility of documents to various external users (registered or public) is based on the logic in the table below:

Linked documents are never shown. Documents that are submitted through nFORM (like .docx) or generated by nCORE will be generated into a PDF for external viewing/downloading capability depending on the rules below. Other documents (like .mp4) cannot be generated into a PDF and will be able to be viewed/downloaded depending on the rules below.

Functional Area

In order to display on nSITE Explorer (default visibility)

Authorized External User can access

Public Notice

Functional Area

In order to display on nSITE Explorer (default visibility)

Authorized External User can access

Public Notice


  • Site is in ‘Active’ status

  • Site is in ‘Active’ status


Submission (including Schedules)

  • Submission must have been fully submitted (not with statuses of ‘Draft’ or ‘Not Started’, etc.)

  • Submission must have been fully submitted (not with statuses of ‘Draft’ or ‘Not Started’, etc.)

  • Document has been added to the Public Notice.

  • Document security classification must be set to Public


  • Application must be configured to include complaint data

    • (App Deploy Setting "EXPLORER.EXCLUDE_COMPLAINT_DATA" = 0)

  • Complaint Submission can be any status

  • Complaint Submission can be any status



  • Document security classification must be set to Public

  • Permit can be any status, but it must have been issued

  • Document security classification must be set to Public or Authorized External User and status must be ‘Final’

  • Permit Status must not be ‘In Process’ or ‘Not Issued’

  • Document has been added to the Public Notice.

  • Document security classification must be set to Public


  • Document security classification must be set to Public

  • Evaluation is in ‘Complete’ status

  • Document security classification must be set to either Public or Authorized External User and status must be ‘Final’

  • Evaluation status must not be ‘Withdrawn’, ‘Planned’, ‘Scheduled’, or ‘Processed'


Compliance Action

  • Document security classification must be set to Public

  • Compliance Action must not be marked confidential

  • Compliance Action Category Code must not be "CRIMINAL" or "CRIMLTG"

  • Compliance Action Status must be one of the following: ‘Entered’, ‘Issued’, ‘Superseded’, ‘Closed’, ‘Terminated’

  • Document security classification must be set to Public or Authorized External User and status must be ‘Final’

  • Compliance Action Status Code must not be "PENDING"

  • Compliance Action must not be marked confidential



  • Document security classification must be set to Public

  • Document security classification must be set to Public or Authorized External User and status must be ‘Final’



  • Not shown in nSITE Explorer

  • Document security classification must be set to Public or Authorized External User and status must be ‘Final’



  • Only finalized DMR submittal documents that are set to Public will be displayed

  • Document security classification must be set to Public or Authorized External User and status must be ‘Final’

  • Individual documents downloadable through Site/Submitted DMRs list page


Downloading Capability

This explains the download capability for documents listed on a site in the documents list.

Document Type

External User

Internal User

Document Type

External User

Internal User

Document set to Final & Public - PDF made from a non-PDF document (e.g. docx)

  • Can download generated PDF

  • Cannot download original document (e.g. docx)

  • Can download generated PDF

  • Can download original document (e.g. docx)

Document set to Final & Public - Non-PDF file (e.g. mp3)

  • Can download non-PDF file (e.g. mp3)

  • Can download non-PDF file (e.g. mp3)

Document set to Final & Public - PDF

  • Can download original PDF file

  • Can download original PDF file

Document set to Draft & Public

  • External users cannot download document because this will not be visible to them while it’s still in ‘Draft’ status

  • Internal users can download both the original document and the generated PDF (if one exists) while the status of the document is set to ‘Draft’

Document marked Confidential

  • Cannot download document because it has been marked Confidential

  • Internal users can view these documents only if assigned to them, as long as the below has been configured