Viewing and Editing Financial Details

Viewing and Editing Financial Details


The Financial Details page allows for viewing and editing of a receivable. A receivables is sometimes referred to as a charge or invoice.

A Receivable consists of one or more charge items (which may include adjustments) and zero or more payments.

Detail information is provided for:

  • Individual charges (fees), adjustments, late fees, administrative fees, and penalties related to a receivable

  • Payments and/or electronic settlements

  • Payment adjustment requests

From the financial detail page, authorized users may have the ability to add charges, record payments, or record refund requests. Depending on whether a balance is due, external users may see also see a Pay Online or Pay by Mail button next to the Payments, Electronic Settlements table heading.

Financial Details Screen


System Configuration Options related to Editing Charges and Payments

  1. Charge amounts on receivables cannot be edited or deleted. In order to correct or zero out a charge amount, a new charge item must be added of type “Adjustment”. The system must be specially configured to allow negative adjustments to be added. (Database table REF_RECVBL_ITM_TYPE must have column IS_NEGTV = 1 where the code is ADJMNT).

  2. Payment amounts can be edited to make corrections but if a payment needs to be set to zero, the system must be specially configured. (Deployment Setting RCPT.ALLW_ZERO_PAYMENT must be set to 1).

Navigation Tabs

The following navigation tabs are available across the top of the page:

Tab Name



Displays details of the charges, payments, refunds, and other pertinent information.


Provides a list of documents related to the financials. This often includes an invoice or other documentation uploaded by users.


Displays violations related to the receivable. This tab is only visible if the fee category related to the charge is set to allow violations to be added.

Financial Details Tab 


The following table lists the fields available on the Violation Details Page:



Total Charges

The total of all charges (fees, adjustments) for the financial record

Payments, Refunds

The total of all payments and refunds for the financial record

Amount Due

Total amount due (total charges minus payments, refunds)



The category of charge such as base charge, adjustment, interest, late fee, submission fee, or penalty.


The date the charge was assessed


The dollar amount of the charge



Payments, Electronic Settlements



The transaction type (Payment)


The date of the transaction


Status of the transaction (e.g., status of an electronic payment)


The amount of the payment


Confirmation number received for an electronic payment. If manually entered, this may represent the check number or other reference / identification number.

Payment Adjustment Requests


Type of adjustment request (payment or refund)


Date the adjustment request is made


Status of the adjustment request (e.g., Pending, Approved, Rejected, Processed)


Amount of the adjustment request


Confirmation, such as a check or an external system reference / identification number.

Right Sidebar Controls

The following table lists the fields available on the right sidebar:



Charge Status

Displays the derived status of the receivable (e.g., Due, Paid, Waived, Pending)


Name and address of the site to which the violation relates

Associated With

The record that the receivable is associated with a Permit (fee) or Compliance Action (fine/penalty).

Other Actions - View History

Opens a panel displaying all the record’s edits that have occurred, including who made the edit, the time of the edit, and the data before and after the change.


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