Adding Late Fees, Adjustments, and Ad-Hoc Fees
Aside from the base charge, additional charges and/or corrections can be added to an invoice by an internal user. These might include adjustments to reconcile incorrect charges or discrepancies, or might be late fees, penalties, or any other ad-hoc charges added subsequent to the initial base charge.
The ability to add charge items is restricted to users with the appropriate permissions.
To add a charge:
On the Financial Details page, click the Add Charge Item button above the Charges table:
The Add Charge item page is displayed:
Select the Charge Item Type and select or enter the Charge Item Date.
Enter the Receivable Item Amount, and Receivable Item Comments fields.
Optionally select the Notify processor on payment checkbox. When checked, the processor on the related record will receive a notification when the charge item is paid.
Click Save.
The charge item is added to the financial record and displayed in the Charges table.