Working with Submissions

Working with Submissions

Searching Submissions

Submissions may be searched from the Global Search or, when viewing a site, from the Site Navigation Menu.

Search Submissions from the Global Search

To search for Submissions using the Global Search:

  • Click the Global Search field.

  • Click on Submissions beneath Search by Topic.

The submission search page is displayed, allowing the user to search for submissions by site name, form type, submission status, processor, etc. (See Navigation, Searching, and User Profile)


  • For the selected submission, click the Open button to view or edit the submission details.


Recently Received Submissions

Depending on form configuration, recently received submissions typically first appear on the Submissions - Inbox page, where they can be viewed and assigned to a specific person for processing. Once a submission is assigned to a processor, it no longer appears on the Submission - Inbox page, and can instead be found on the Submissions Search page.

Although submissions go to the Inbox by default, they can be configured to bypass the Inbox and instead be assigned directly to a processor. This option is configured in the form’s Form Details page.

Searching for Submissions from the Site Navigation Menu

To search for Submissions from the Site Navigation Menu:

  • Click Submissions on the Site Menu. The Submissions List page is displayed.

  • The Submissions list page provides the ability for users to view all applicable submissions associated with the currently-selected site, including Applications, Service Requests, Schedules, Permit Change Forms, and Complaint and Incident Forms.

  • For the selected submission, click the Open button to view or edit the submission details.

  • In some cases, additional buttons may be available:

    • Continue Draft - Allows continuing a previously started draft form. The Continue Draft button is only available to external users that have rights to access the submission, or to internal users that created the submission.

    • View - Allows opening a previously submitted form for viewing only.

    • View or Revise - Allows opening a previously submitted form for viewing or revision. This button is available only to external users that have rights to access the submission or to internal users that created the submission.

    • Delete - Allows for the deletion of submissions in “Draft” status.

Located at the top of the Submissions list page is a “filter by status” control that allows for quick filtering of a site's various submissions.

Creating a New Submission

New submissions are initiated through the processing of a Form. To start a new form, from the Site Navigation Menu:

  • Click the Start a New Form menu item. The Start a New Form Submission Wizard is displayed.

  • Click one of the options presented to find and select the desired form to submit.

  • Once the desired form is found, click Begin to initiate the form. The Form Instructions page will be displayed.

  • Click Begin Form Entry on the Form Instructions page. The form sections and fields will be displayed.

  • Fill out the form sections and fields.

  • Click FINALIZE SUBMISSION / Submit Form to submit the form.

Creating a New Submission using the Copy Submission Option (External Only)

External users may create new submissions by copying an existing submission. This option is available only if the form has been configured to support copying (see Viewing and Editing Form Details ), and is only available to external users.

To Copy as New:

  • As an external user, click Submissions in the navigation menu to navigate to the Submissions page.

  • For the desired submission, click the … button and select Copy Submission.

  • Select the site to which you want the submission copied and click Select; or select Create New to create a new site, enter the new name, and click Continue.

  • The submission is copied as a new draft submission on the selected site, and the form is opened for editing. Fields that have been configured to copy over will contain data from the source submission; fields not configured for copying

Assigning a Submission from the Inbox

Refer to page Using the Inbox to Search and Assign Submissions.

Assigning External Users to Specific Submissions

Refer to page Assigning Specific Submissions to External Users .

Revising a Submission

Submissions may be revised and resubmitted so long as the submission is still in an active status category (e.g. In Process, On Hold). The exception will be if the submission is related to a permit that has been set to “Issued” status, and the permit’s category has been configured to prevent revision after the related permit has been issued.

Submission Revision Data Updates

When a revised submission is submitted, the following information is refreshed from the latest submission version:

  • Submission Attributes - Project Name, Submission Action Type, Submission Comments, etc.

  • Submission Contacts - submission contacts are deleted and re-added. Any contacts on permits related via a submission workflow are not updated.

  • Site Address - If the submission allows for updates to the submission’s related site address, the site address will be updated.

No other information is updated (features, related permits or permit contacts, program component data, etc.)

Processing a Submission

Processing a submission starts on the Application Details page, which allows for the viewing and editing of submissions and all related components of the submission. For more information on the specific functionality of the Application Details page, please see Viewing and Editing Submission Details. Other aspects of processing a submission — such as Correction Requests, locking a submission for review, revising a submission, printing and downloading a submission, and making payments — can be accessed via the Manage Submissions button, available in the right sidebar of the Application Details page. 

Closing a Submission

To close a submission, you must first update the status of the submission. You can change the status of the submission by clicking the Update Status button located in the sidebar of the Application Details page, as illustrated in the picture below.

The status of the submission needs to be updated from In Process to one of the following statuses:

  • Completed – Submissions with a status of Completed have been fully processed and accepted by the processor.

  • Denied – Submissions with a status of Denied have been closed without finalized processing due to reasons such as invalid criteria or data provided, an application for the wrong permit being submitted, or some other form of denial.

  • Rejected – Submissions with a status of Rejected have been closed without full processing due to incomplete data.

  • Withdrawn – Submissions with a status of Withdrawn have been closed at the request of the applicant.

  • Canceled – Submissions with a status of Canceled have been closed by the processer for general reasons.

When a new status is selected, built-in validation rules are run to make sure crucial aspects of the submission are processed correctly. For example, before the status of a submission can be changed, all workflows and tasks must be marked Complete or Withdrawn. Once the submission is closed, the status cannot be changed. Please see the Submission page for more information on statuses. 

Certain final statuses such as Denied, Rejected, Cancelled, etc., may also be configured to require one or more of the following information:

  • Decision - a ‘sub-status’ related to the status change (e.g., Withdrawn due to “No Authority” or “Request by Applicant”)

  • Status Change Effective Date - the date the status change is or was effective

  • Reason for Status Change - allows the entry of comments describing the reason for the status change.



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