Viewing and Editing Submission Details


The Submission Details page allows for viewing and editing of submission details.

Submissions fall into several different types, based on the context in which they are submitted. The title of the corresponding submission detail page varies, based on the submission type:

  • Application Details - the submission was created from an application form.

  • Permit Change Details - the submission was created from a permit change form (to modify, renew, or terminate a permit).

  • Complaint Details - the submission was created from a complaint form.

  • Request Details - the submission was created from a Service Request form.

  • Schedule Details - the submission was created from a schedule form.

The following picture shows a typical submission details page (in this case, for an application form):

Navigation Tabs

The following navigation tabs are available across the top of the page:

Tab Name



Displays submission details.

Workflow and Tasks

Workflows and tasks related to the submission.


Documents related to the submission; these typically include a PDF version of the submission itself and any attachments to that submission. They can also include documents that an internal user either uploads or generates (using previously configured document templates).


Events related to the submission.


Contact information (e.g., names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) of contacts related to the submission. Contacts at the submission level often include applicants, consultants, facility contacts, and more.

Program Components

Additional data entry fields related to the submission.


Holds that have been placed on a submission, such as when an applicant requests a hold, or when the agency is awaiting information from the submitter necessary to process the submission.


Geographically located items referenced on the submission.

Related Forms

Other submissions related in some way to the submission being viewed .

Submission Details Tab 


The following table lists the fields available on the Submission Details page:



Program Area

Displays the program area to which the submission is related. Displayed for complaints only.

Application Request Action Type

Displays any available action types for the given submission. Action types can be configured for each form and are used to set processing deadlines and for reporting purposes.

This field is only displayed if one or more action types have been defined for the submission’s form type.

Assigned Workgroup

The workgroup to which the assigned processor belongs. This needs to be selected before the assigned processor is selected in the Assigned User field.

Assigned User

The assigned processor for this submission. The users listed in this field depend on the workgroup selected in the Assigned Workgroup field above.

Assessed Priority

Priority of the submission. Available only for complaint submissions.

Complaint/Incident Date

The date and/or time the incident was observed by the complainant. Available only for complaint submissions.

System Received Date

Date the application is received by the system.

Received Date Override

Allows the processor to override the received date of the application. For example, if a paper copy of the application is received on Monday, but the agency processor doesn’t enter it into the system until Wednesday, the Received Date field will show Wednesday’s date. The processor can then enter Monday’s date in this field to indicate when the application was actually received by the agency.

Application Review Complete Date

Date set by processer to indicate the application has been reviewed.

Application Administratively Complete Date

This is the date when the application is determined to be complete. On the Form Details page, this field can be configured to be displayed or hidden. It is never displayed for complaint forms.

Processing Due Date

Read-only field that is calculated by the system, based on configuration of the Dates and Deadlines tab on the Form Details page.

Complaint/Incident Description

Complaint description (from the submission). Available only for complaint submissions.

Project Name

Allows for a project name to be entered.


Optional comments box to capture any miscellaneous information.

Submission Versions

Displays a table listing the submission versions


Sequential version number of the submission.

Receipt Type

Type of submission receipt (e.g., Online).

Submitted By

User who submitted the version.

Received Date

Date version was received.

Resubmission Date

Date resubmission is due (if designated).

Right Sidebar Controls

The following table lists the fields available in the right sidebar of the Submission Details page:




The current status of the permit.

Update Status

This button invokes a dialog allowing the status of the application to be changed.

Manage Submission

Directs user to the Submission Overview page, where various actions involving the submission can be managed.


Name of assigned Portfolio, with option to view related Permit Alerts.


Name and address of the site to which the submission relates. The site name provides a hyperlink to the site record.

Site Alerts

If there are Site Alerts, they are displayed beneath the site information in the sidebar.

See Alerts and Manual Alerts for additional information.


Name and address of the applicant. The applicant name provides a hyperlink to the applicant contact record.

Submission Version

Directs user to the Submission Compare page, where different revisions of the submission can be compared.


Fee amounts related to a given submission. The submission reference number provides a hyperlink to the financial record details page for a given finance charge.

Related Permits

Permits related to a given submission. The permit number provides a hyperlink to the permit details page for a given permit.

Other Actions - Change Site

Allows for moving the submission to a different site in the event it was submitted for the wrong site. 

This feature is only available to users with permissions to change a submission's site. Further, the submission cannot be a permit change form, cannot be a schedule, and the submission must be in an active status (e.g., In Process or On Hold).

Other Actions - View History

Opens a panel displaying all edits that have occurred to the record, including who made the edit, the time of the edit, and the data before and after the change.


Editing the Submission Details

To edit the details of a submission:

  • Edit the fields on the Submission Details page as necessary.

  • Click the Save button.

  • A message is displayed, indicating your changes have been saved.

To edit data in other tabs, refer to the corresponding links in the Navigation Tabs table above.

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