Release 2024.1

Release 2024.1

Release Date: 2/7/2024

Technical Requirements

Technical requirement changes for this release:

Required Software

Web Server

Application Server

Database Server

  • Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)

  • SQL Server 2019 or later

Web Browser 

  • AceOffix Plugin (included with nVIRO install package)

  • Modern Web Browser on latest version (Chrome, Edge, FireFox)

Release Overview


Sites / Regulated Entities

  • New Limited Editor External User Role. To limit access for certain "third party" external users, a new role, "Limited Editor" has been created. External users with the Limited Editor role may initiate new submissions but cannot edit drafts created by other users.

  • Online Signature Agreements Online Followed by Lexis/Nexis Identity Proofing.   For environments where LexisNexis identity proofing is enabled, successfully completing the identity proofing process will now automatically approve the user's certifier authority. If the user is unable to complete the online identity proofing process, they are now prompted to download a hardcopy signature form to be mailed in.

  • Prevent Name Change on Certifier Agreements. If a user who has a certifier agreement wishes to change their name, a new certifier agreement is required.  Certification must be revoked before (unchecked) by an internal user before the name will be made editable. 


  • Withdraw Submission Package. Authorized users can withdraw a submission package that has been started but has not yet been submitted from the manage package screen.  When the package is withdrawn, any staged forms are set to withdrawn and any un-started forms are deleted.

  • Data Inheritance from Multiple Submission Forms. Data inheritance is available from multiple submission forms (any form) in a submission package into a permit component for a permit initiated by the submission.

  • Submission Package Form Auto-assign to Primary Processor.  A new form set configuration option "Assign Primary Form Processor" provides the ability for the processor of a primary form in a submission package to be assigned automatically to all other forms in the package and incomplete workflow tasks.  When set, this also cascades if the assigned processor on the primary form is changed. 

  • Display Revision Version on list pages My Task Dashboard In previous releases, if a draft submission had been started on a submission, the revision number was displayed on the MyTasks dashboard.  This has been enhanced. If a revision has been started or submitted, the most recent revision number will be displayed. 

  • Display Alert for Import Errors.  If there is an error processing a recently submitted form, an alert will now display on the page with an option to display the errors.

  • Submission Package Number Merge Field. Package Number is now available on all document template data sources that reference submission package.


  • Schedule Prefill Expanded.  Prefilling of permit schedule form data now carries over to schedule submissions on subsequent permit revisions.  For example, if a schedule is submitted on permit v1.0, a schedule submission from v1.1 will inherit the data from the v1.0 submission.


  • Bulk Assignment of Template Limit Sets to Permitted Features. The copy limit set functionality has been enhanced to provide the ability to copy multiple features at the same time.

  • Bulk Updating of Parameter limit details.  It is now possible to bulk update limit start and end dates and other information for multiple limits simultaneously.

  • Display DMR as priority item on Dashboard. If the system is configured to route received DMRs for review and the reviewer sets the DMR to "Not Approved", the DMR now displays on the Site Dashboard as a priority item.


  • External Comments Field. A new External Comments field has been added to evaluations.  These will be displayed on the Evaluation Summary page for internal and external users. The existing comments field has been relabeled as Internal Comments.

  • Set Evaluation Status to Planned Immediately when Evaluation is Removed. When an evaluation is sent to nSPECT and there is a need to remove the inspection from nSPECT.  The corresponding status update occurs immediately and no longer requires an overnight batch process to update.

Compliance Actions

  • External Comments Field. A new External Comments field has been added to compliance Public Notice types now allow a minimum duration period to be configured. The existing comments field has been relabeled as Internal Comments.

Public Notice

  • Public Notice Period Minimum Durations. Public Notices may now be configured for a minimum duration period to be specified when creating the public notice event. This configuration (Public Notice Minimum Duration) is specified on the lookup for the corresponding public notice event type.

  • Ability to Public Notice a Compliance Action. The ability to public notice a draft compliance action implemented.  This is done through creation of an internal submission and adding a "Public Notice - Compliance Action" event type to that submission.


  • Extended Violation Status Auto Update on Compliance Action Status Change. The status of a violation can be updated automatically when the status of a compliance action that references it is updated. This functionality has been extended to allow the violation's new status to vary depending on the program area. For example, one program may consider a violation to be unresolved until the linked compliance action is closed, whereas other programs may consider a violation resolved as soon as a compliance action is issued.  

Document Management

  • Bulk Set Documents to Internal Security Classification. A new button, "Make # Internal", has been added to the document list screen actions. This will set selected documents to an Internal security classification.

  • Documents Set Print / Export Date.  The Document Set Export column has been enhanced to display the latest date the document set was exported, downloaded and/or printed.

Document Templates

  • Document Template Field Selection Filtering.  When working with document templates, users can filter the fields list selection to find fields more quickly.

  • New Document Template Public Notice Fields. Additional fields are available for Public Notice Document templates (see NCORE-8063).

  • Preview Public Notice Document templates.  Document and notification templates for public notices may now be previewed to help test and verify configuration.

System Actions

  • Acknowledge Date for User Notifications.  When an external user views a notification in the application the date is recorded and is displayed on the Admin User Notifications List and Detail, as well as the event tab notification detail panel for the related Functional Area.

  • Expanded Evaluation System Action Recipients. Permit contacts on an evaluation's related permit can now be specified as notification recipients on system actions.

  • Trigger System Action on Document Set Status Change.  Notifications may be sent when a Document Set status is updated (e.g., to notify an internal user that a set of invoices has been generated and are ready to be printed).

Financial Assurance

  • Bulk Update Financial Assurance Amounts. A new excel upload format provides the ability to bulk update cost estimates for Financial Assurance records (based on the cost estimate type designated in the upload).

  • New Fields on Financial Instruments.  Several new optional fields have been added to Financial Instruments (see NCORE-7731)

  • Security

  • Recaptcha on Manage Subscription.  For enhanced security, a Recaptcha component has been added to the Manage Subscription page (Signup/Manage step).

Records Retention

  • Exempt Site From Purge.  Sites may be configured to be Exempt from purge rules, for example, to support litigation holds aka preservation order, FOIA fulfillment, historic significance.  When a site has been exempted this status is displayed in the site detail page sidebar.

Toxic Chemical Screenings

A new module has been developed to support tracking of Toxic Chemical Screenings.  This module provides the following capabilities:

  • Record chemical screening information such as Initial Threshold Screening Level, Initial Risk Screening Level, & Carcinogenicity.

  • Generate toxic chemical screening documents.

  • Public inquiry for toxic chemical screening

  • Public notice a toxic chemical screening and receive public comments.

  • Create new versions of toxic screenings.

nVISAGE Integration

  • Reports on Form Dependencies Tab. If a form is configured from one or more nVISAGE report data sources, the reports are listed on the Form Details screen's Dependencies tab.

nSPECT Integration

  • Nightly Site Synchronization. All deployments that have nSPECT enabled will now include a nightly process to synchronize sites from nCORE to nSPECT that are new or changed. Enabling or disabling this behavior has been changed to a single deployment configuration setting.

nSITE Integration

  • Package Submission Documents Tied to (Parent) Submission in Site Explorer.  The Site Explorer - Site Profile/Documents tab will display Submission Package Name & Submission Package Reference Number in the Document Description column when it is applicable.


nFORM (Release 4.18) provides the following new features that benefit users working in the integrated nVIRO Ecosystem. 

  • Advanced Table Row Selector.  The advanced table control may now be configured to allow selection of a single item in the list of items in the table (radio button), or multiple items in the list (checkboxes).  For example, if an advanced table provided entry of 3 NAICS codes (one per row), an “Is Primary” selector code be configured to indicate which one of the NAICS code rows is primary. 


nSPECT changes were limited to bug fixes/patches.

nSITE Explorer

nSITE Explorer changes were limited to bug fixes/patches.

Release Notes

nVIRO 2024.1 Release Notes

(Click to preview / download)

Excel list of Stories/Fixes

Related Release Notes

Release Demonstration

nVIRO Release 2024.1 Videos

1 - Overview, nFORM, Submissions, Doc Mgt, Limits
2 - Sites and Roles, Evals, Compliance, Violations
3 - Public Notice, Financial Assurance, SLEIS, Toxic Chemicals
4 - Admin - Retention, Documents, Integrations, System Actions
5 - Roadmap, Questions


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