Release 2023.1
John Kostakos
Will Rensmith
Release 2023.1
Released: May 19, 2022
Technical Requirements
Changes planned for this release:
Upgrade ASP.NET Framework from 6.0.x to 7.0.x
Upgrade .NET Desktop Runtime from 6.0.x to 7.0.x
Required Software
Web Server
Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)
IIS 10 or later
ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0.x Windows Hosting Bundle (Windsor Component Server/Blazor)
ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.x Windows Hosting Bundle (nSITE - upgrade to 7.0.x to remove)
.NET Framework 4.8 Runtime (nCORE web app, nFORM, nSPECT, nVISAGE, SLEIS)
AceOffix Server (included with nVIRO install package)
Application Server
Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)
Database Server
Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)
SQL Server 2019 or later
Web Browser
AceOffix Plugin (included with nVIRO install package)
Modern Web Browser on latest version (Chrome, Edge, FireFox)
Release Overview - Highlighted Changes
The following are highlights from the nVIRO Release Notes documents. Details for these enhancements and others, may be found in the release notes document.
Highlighted changes to nCORE include:
GUI – Navigation, Routing, Usability, Styling
Revised Home Page. The home page has been redesigned and restructured. Public services have been moved to dynamic tiles in the center of the page, and rearranging other information provided on the page.
Workflow and Task Checkboxes Revised. The checkboxes on Workflows and Tasks have been made larger to improve usability for all of us regular folks (we don’t need to be as precise with our mice or trackpads).
My Account / External User Accounts
External Site ‘Nicknames’. External users may add a nickname to their site to aid in identifying their sites (which may have a different name designated by the agency.) The nickname appears on the external site selection dropdown.
Paperless Invoices Option. nVIRO can be configured to allow external users to select a Paperless Invoice option for their sites. When this ability is configured on, a new "Paperless Invoices Preferred" checkbox is available to external users with Admin or Edit roles.
Edit Site Plan Configuration. A new system configuration option has been developed to configure the system to enable or disable the ability for external users with Administrator roles to edit a site plan.
Public Notice
Public Notice Document Preview. The Public Notices document list has been enhanced to support the document preview carousel as well as document thumbnails in the list. This allows external users to view the without having to download them.
System Actions / Notifications
Send Ad-Hoc Notification Email from nVIRO. A new feature has been added to support sending ad-hoc Email Notifications from nVIRO. This capability is available for all core records (e.g., Submissions, Permits, Evaluations, Compliance Actions) that have a “Documents” tab.
From the documents tab, a user may select one or more documents (PDF or .DOC only) and create an email designating one of the documents as the body of the email. Any other documents are included as attachments.
Recipients may be selected from Site Authorized Users, Contacts on the functional area record, or Staff. They may be specified as direct recipients, CC-carbon copy, or BCC-blind carbon copy.
Upon clicking send, the notification is added to a queue for generation and sending. The notification(s) are logged to the User Notifications.
My Tasks
Customizable Summary Description Display. Summary Description Formulas for applications, service requests will now display on the My Tasks page for those record types.
New Submission “Action Categories”. A new 'grouping' of Action Types has been created called "Action Category". Action Categories display on the dashboard and may be used to quickly assess the intent of a submission (e.g., a Reissuance) to assist with prioritization of work.
In addition, if the Action Category is a Reissuance, additional information such as Next Application Due Date or Permit Expiration Date is displayed on the corresponding Submission’s Detail pages.
Configurable Behavior for Correction Request Resolution. A new form configuration setting has been added to specify submission behavior at the time a processor unlocks a submission, and no remaining corrections requests exist. This configuration allows the submission to either remain on hold or revert to its last active status.
Submission Search Updates. The search page result list has been refined to include the "Due Date" for schedule and DMR submissions.
Copy Contacts Updates. The copy contact page selection list has been updated to filter out contacts tied to closed records. Site Name was also added to the selection list.
Contact History Table Restructuring. Contact history database tables have been redesigned for improved tracking, efficiency, and performance. This does not affect end user functionality or the user experience.
Compliance Actions
Configure default schedules. Default schedules may now be configured for new compliance actions based on the Compliance Action Type and Program Area.
Responsible Party Display. Responsible party and associated contact information has been added to the Compliance Action list page.
Case Number. If present, the compliance action Case Number is displayed on related financial record details.
Document Management and Templates
Site Document List Grouping. A new group view is available when viewing site documents, which groups the documents by their related functional area (e.g., permit, compliance action) record.
New and Updated Document Template Data Sources. New data sources have been created including a standard data source for Schedules, two site level financial data sources for receivables, and additional fields have been added to both the Refund Request and Receivable Standard data sources.
Anonymous payment of outstanding fees. nVIRO may be configured to allow a public user to pay an outstanding invoice or fee without creating an account. Note: This feature is dependent on support by the payment vendor.
Fee Category Receivable Reference Number are configurable. Fees will now generate sequential reference numbers if they have a number pattern specified in their fee category.
Refund Request Delete. Authorized users may edit or delete a Payment Adjustment / Refund Request (new Manage Payment Adjustment Role).
Configurable Days before an Application Due Date that a Permit shows on the dashboard. An administrator may configure the number of days before a permit's Renewal Due Date prior to appearing on the dashboard.
Renewal Reminder Emails. Emails can now be triggered based on the permit’s Renewal Due Date (system actions).
New Permit Issuance Validations. New validation rules have been added. These include a rule to prevent back-dated permit effective dates that may result in deletion of DMRs in ICIS-NPDES, and a rule to prevent manual entry of duplicates season numbers (where applicable).
Deletion of Master Projects and Project Activities. Authorized users may now delete a Master Project if there are no project activity records associated with it.
Sites / Regulated Entities
Site Relations Start/End Dates. Previously site relations could be set to active or inactive. The relationships have been enhanced to specify a start date and end date. The presence of an end date in the past will now indicate the relationship is no longer active.
Site Merge Enhancements. Multiple enhancements have been made to adjust the behavior of merged data to help ensure data is carried over to the “merged to” site.
Master Project Search Criteria. The site basic search page input now provides the ability to search for a site using a master project name as search criteria.
Refined Org/Person Details page. The detail pages for Organizations and Persons have been refined to remove certain fields that were only relevant to Sites and add fields that are relevant to organizations or persons.
Visual Indicators of Site Category. When an external user account is authorized for multiple site categories (Site, Person, Organization), an icon will appear next to the name in the site selection dropdown to indicate whether it is a site, person, or organization.
System Actions / Notifications
New Permit Notification Recipient. The Internal - Permit Compliance Manager Supervisor has been added to the list of available notification Recipients for System Actions in the Permit functional area.
Workflows and Tasks
Ability to Delete Workflows. Workflows may now be deleted from a submission provided that if the workflow is related to a permit, the permit is in Not Issued status.
EPA Reporting / Exchange Network Integration
Default RNC Detection Code for Violations. Administrators can select ICIS-NPDES RNC Detection Codes for violation category/type combinations.
Deployment setting for ICIS-NPDES Flow of Compliance Actions. A new deployment setting has been implemented to direct whether all Compliance Schedules should flow or only those that are acknowledged/approved.
New ICIS Compliance Monitoring Field. A new field “ICIS Compliance Monitoring Activity Type” has been added to Compliance Monitoring Activity Type lookups for mapping to ICIS-NPDES.
ICIS-NPDES Dashboard Download results. The ICIS-NPDES Dashboard has been enhanced to provide the ability to download the Data Viewer results to Excel.
Records Retention
Records Retention Prototype. Development of the record retention prototype has continued. The prototype has been developed to create a flexible and configurable framework for record retention rule definition and subsequent identification of candidate records to be purged.
The current prototype still focuses on a single record type – Compliance Actions.
In Release 2022.3 the following abilities were implemented
Definition of retention rules for Compliance Actions, specifying applicable Program Areas as well as Compliance Action Types for the specified retention duration.
Definition of rules for Compliance Action documents allowing specification of retention duration for specific document categories.
Identification of candidates for deletion (purging) from the system based on the rule definition.
In Release 2023.1 the following abilities have been added.
Separate Records and Document Purge List. Records and Documents each have their own Purge List pages.
Approval of Purge. Records and documents identified for purging may be reviewed and approved for purging.
Exemption from Purge. Records and documents identified for purge may be exempted from purging for a user specified period.
Export of Purge List. Records and documents listed in the Purge List page may be exported to .CSV file for review in Excel.
Deletion Candidate Notification. Records and documents identified for purge will have a “Deletion Candidate” message displayed on their detail page beneath the status.
The next phase of record retention will expand the capabilities across other record types and develop a routine to delete records approved for purge.
nFORM (Release 4.16) provides several new features that benefit users working in the integrated nVIRO Ecosystem. These include:
Form Designer Enhancements
Added the ability to Conditionally Require a control.
Added grouping and sorting of tags to improve the usability of the tag picker.
Added Original Submission Start & Revision Dates to global variables (used in calculations).
Ability to determine control placement using “Display After”.
Added the ability to set confidentiality at the Attachment Control Level.
Sections: Separated the Duplicate and Add options for a repeating section.
Sections: Provided the ability to Disable/Enable the Clear button.
Import: Added support for type-ahead in the Form Selection List.
Import from Previous Submissions
Allow the Select control and all single value controls to inherit from a calculated control.
Ability to Delete a Form for cleanup purposes.
Form Configuration Report – Export form configuration information.
Please see the nFORM v4.16 Release Notes – nVIRO Version for detailed information.
One enhancement has been made to nSPECT in the 2023.1 release. Other changes were limited to bug fixes/patches.
Multiple Report Template Support. The nSPECT Report Group set as the default for each inspection type will now determine the format used for the inspection report. The Report Group defines the inspection report template that will be used, along with any sub report templates.
nSITE Explorer
nSITE Explorer has one enhancement plus several bug fixes in the 2023.1 release.
Latitude/Longitude Zoom. Typing a comma separated lat/long value in the search box will now zoom the map to the specified coordinate. Upon entering the coordinate, a "Zoom To: Lat/Long Coordinate" prompt is displayed. Clicking the display zooms the map to the specified location and drops a pin on the map to indicate the position.
Release Notes
(Click to preview / download)
nVIRO 2023.1 Release Notes
Excel list of Stories/Fixes
Related Release Notes
Release Demonstration
On this page
- 1 Technical Requirements
- 2 Release Overview - Highlighted Changes
- 2.1 NCORE
- 2.1.1 Highlighted changes to nCORE include:
- 2.1.2 GUI – Navigation, Routing, Usability, Styling
- 2.1.3 My Account / External User Accounts
- 2.1.4 Public Notice
- 2.1.5 System Actions / Notifications
- 2.1.6 My Tasks
- 2.1.7 Submissions
- 2.1.8 Contacts
- 2.1.9 Compliance Actions
- 2.1.10 Document Management and Templates
- 2.1.11 Financials
- 2.1.12 Permits
- 2.1.13 Projects
- 2.1.14 Sites / Regulated Entities
- 2.1.15 System Actions / Notifications
- 2.1.16 Workflows and Tasks
- 2.1.17 EPA Reporting / Exchange Network Integration
- 2.1.18 Records Retention
- 2.2 nFORM
- 2.3 nSPECT
- 2.4 nSITE Explorer
- 2.5 nVIRO Data Hub and nVISAGE
- 2.6 SLEIS
- 2.1 NCORE
- 3 Release Notes
- 4 Release Demonstration
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