Release 2022.3
John Kostakos
Release 2022.03
Released: December 15, 2022
Technical Requirements
Changes for this release:
Required Software
Web Server
Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)
IIS 10 or later
Aceoffix Server (included with nVIRO install package)
Application Server
Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)
Database Server
Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)
SQL Server 2019 or later
Web Browser
Aceoffix Plugin (included with nVIRO install package)
Modern Web Browser on latest version (Chrome, Edge, FireFox)
Release Overview - Highlighted Changes
GUI – Navigation, Routing, Usability, Styling
Revised Navigation. Navigation for internal users has been streamlined to be simpler and more predictable. Changes include:
Expanded Search. The Global Search field (in the header) has been expanded beyond site search, providing two modes – Basic Search and Search by Topic. Typing in the search field (Basic Search) continues to for matching sites. Clicking Search by Topic provides access to more specific types of searches (Submissions, Permits, Evaluations, etc.).
Removable of the Home Menu. The home vs site menus tended to cause a level of confusion for users. Navigation options that were previously located on the Home menu have been moved to either the application header or on the new "Search by Topic" option in the Global Search field.
Automatic Site context setting. Upon selection of a site related record (e.g., submission, permit, evaluation), the detail page is opened in the context of the Site to which it relates, with the site menu displayed to navigate other records on the site
Header display. Improvements were made to display of the header on mobile devices.
Multiple Program Area Search Criteria. Criteria on search screens such as Submissions, Permits, Evaluations, Compliance Actions, etc. has been expanded to support selection of multiple program areas.
Preferred Program Areas. To improve focus on data relevant to staff who typically work in specific program areas, users may now specify one or more programs in their program profile to include as “My Program Areas”. When one or more program area preferences have been specified, the following features are available:
Default Program Area search criteria. Program area selection will default to the selected “My Program Areas”. This may be overridden by the user. Clicking the search reset button will set the selected programs back to “My Program Areas”.
Site List Program Areas - “Mine” or “All”. A toggle button is available on relevant site list pages. Clicking Program Areas “Mine” limits the list records associated with the programs specified on “My Program Areas”.
Improved External User “My Account” Site Management. Management of sites has been improved for external users that are associated with many sites. When the user has > 10 sites, a gear will appear on the site list navigating them to the User Profile site list where they are able to filter and select sites as wells as refine site visibility and search.
My Account Received Date Sort. If Received Date has been selected as a displayed column in My Account, records will default to descending sort by Received Date.
Permit Category Maintenance Layout. The layout of permit categories was reorganized into the following tabs to improve usability: Details, Dates and Deadlines; Default Schedules, and Validation Rules.
Records Retention
Records Retention Prototype. A record retention prototype has been developed to create a flexible and configurable framework for record retention rule definition and subsequent identification of candidate records to be purged.
To test the framework and process, a single record type – Compliance Actions, was selected for retention rule definition.
Users may define multiple retention rules for Compliance Actions, specifying applicable Program Areas as well as Compliance Action Types for the specified retention duration. Rules may also be configured to only purge certain documents for specified document categories.
Based on rule definitions created, Compliance Actions exceeding the retention definition are identified as candidates for deletion (purging) from the system. These are listed for review.
The next phase of record retention will expand the capabilities across other record types and implement the ability to approve identified records for purge.
Automated Permit Termination/Closure. Two new permit statuses are now available upon request, Termination Pending and Closed Pending. Setting a permit to one of these statuses will cause the permit to remain Active until the Terminated / Inactive Date, at which point the permit will be set to either Terminated or Closed status depending on the option chosen. Permits in these statuses behave like permits in other Active statuses except that they do not trigger permit renewal reminder notifications.
"Insta-Permit" Capability for Permit Reissuances. Permits can now be set to be reissued automatically using new settings available when configuring a Workflow Template that creates a new permit version for reissuance.
Copy Submission as New. Forms may be configured to allow external users to create a new submission from a previous submission (Copy as New). Form data entered in the previous submission is copied to the new submission. This is accomplished by setting the form configuration to allow copy (checking "Data from submissions using this form can be copied to new submissions"), and by configuring the inheritance on the corresponding form - setting the form to inherit from itself.
Submission Form PDF Naming Options. New options are available for naming of the pdf document for the submission form. Name combinations include option for form short name/name, site name, and submission reference number and version as part of the file name. The additional information should also help with identification of documents that are downloaded or documents listed Site Explorer.
Copy Forward or Add Contacts for New Submission. A new configuration option has been implemented on workflow templates which create new permit versions. This option allows the contacts to be copied forward from the existing permit (current functionality) or to only add contacts specified on the new submission.
o Emailed One Time Pass Code for Signing. When signing / submitting a form, nVIRO may be configured to send an email to the user containing a generated one-time passcode for signing. When configured to use the passcode, the passcode replaces entry of the user password.
o Generate Invoices Directly to PDF Format. Invoices may now be generated as PDF only bypassing creating and storing a Word document version. If desired, Windsor will work with you to set this configuration.
o Void Check or Canceled Electronic Payments. The Financial record refund function was broadened to include other types of financial adjustments such as Insufficient Funds and Payment Cancelled. These follow the same processing flow as refunds.
o Standard Validation Rule Implementation. When updating the status of an environmental project, some target statuses will display a validation checklist, similar to updating a Permit, Submission or Compliance Action status.
Document Management
o New Document Security Classification. A new Document Security Classification of "Authorized External User" has been added to nVIRO. Documents set to "Authorized External User" classification will be visible to logged-in external users, but not available to the public in Site Explorer.
o New Post-PDF Merge Fields. Added the ability to merge additional signature related fields into the generated PDF when the document is finalized.
o View Document History Without Opening the Detail Page. Added “View History” to the document's context menu to enable viewing without loading the document in Ace Browser.
o Edit Document Categories. Once a document category had been set for a document (e.g., at upload), there was no ability to edit it. Authorized users may now edit the document category.
Document Templates
o Permit Program Components Fields Available to Evaluation Doc Templates. Evaluation document templates now have access to program components for their related permit.
nFORM (Release 4.151) provides several new nFORM features as well as significant database space reduction from restructuring of the “Section Control" table which stores the main content for submitted forms.
Highlighted changes include:
Conditional Read-Only Controls. Controls may now be configured to be read-only based on a formula.
Map Control – Validate Point Intersection. Map controls can be configured to validate whether a coordinate intersects with an ESRI GIS layer. Validation can be set based on checking whether the point is in or not within the layer. It may also be configured as a warning or information only rather than a validation.
Streamlined Fee Configuration. The form fee configuration has been revised to make it clearer and easier to manage.
Grid Control Export Excel Enhancements. The Grid control released in version 2022.2 has been enhanced to provide improved formatting of the Excel template / export sheet. In addition, a reference page has been added to provide cross-reference to column headers, and help text from the configured column.
There are no significant enhancements to nSPECT in the 2022.3 release. Changes are limited to bug fixes/patches.
There are no significant enhancements to nSITE Explorer in the 2022.3 release. Changes are limited to bug fixes/patches.
Release Notes
(Click to preview / download)
nVIRO 2022.3 Release Notes
Excel list of Stories/Fixes
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