Inserting Images into Notification Templates

Inserting Images into Notification Templates

This capability was added in release 2024.1

To ensure images render correctly on the majority of email applications and web apps, specific steps need to be taken to insert images into a Notification Template. Using the standard Word Insert → Image or copy/paste technique will result in the images not being displayed in some email applications, most often in Gmail and other web-based email systems.

Why Aren’t My Images Showing?

Simply put, the images need to be linked instead of embedded. If an image is simply inserted or pasted into a Notification Template, the image content is embedded into the email itself. Most web clients (including Gmail) will remove embedded images. The notification will correctly show images within nVIRO’s notification viewer, but they will be missing when viewed within the user’s email application.


Example nVIRO email viewed in gmail with missing images

For images to render correctly, they must be linked.

How to Insert an Image into a Notification Template

Firstly, this will only work for images hosted at a URL. Using the method described below, Word stores the image URL as opposed to embedding the image itself into the document. For things like agency logos, this is not really a problem. The User just needs to locate the image on the agency web site and copy the URL.

Follow the steps below to insert the image:

  1. Open the Notification Template in AceOffix.

  2. From the Insert menu, choose Quick Parts and select Field…


  3. Then select IncludePicture from the list of Field Names.

  4. Enter the URL to the image in the Filename or URL field.

  5. IMPORTANT: Check the Data not stored with document checkbox.

  6. Click OK.

The image will appear in the document.

If an Error is Displayed instead of the Picture

After opening a notification template in AceOffix (or a regular document in Word), you may see an error message stating “The linked image cannot be displayed” instead of the image you were expecting.

Word error message stating a linked image cannot be displayed

This does not necessarily mean the image is broken. Word occasionally cannot fetch the image fast enough before the document is rendered on the screen. Try pressing Ctrl+A and then F9 to refresh the document.

Verifying An Image was Inserted Correctly

When editing a Notification Template that contains an image, it is not possible to tell whether the image is embedded or linked.

To determine this, perform the following steps:

  • Open Microsoft Word (not AceOffix) and open any document.

  • Navigate to File → Options and click Advanced. Scroll down to the Show document content section, check the box Show field codes instead of their values, and click OK.

  • Close Word and open the notification template in AceOffix.

If the image is inserted correctly using the technique described above, the image URL should be shown in the document.

Example field value for hyperlinked image in a notification template

After confirming, repeat the steps above and uncheck the Show field codes instead of their values checkbox to return to the normal Word image viewing mode.



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