Initiating a Permit Change Without Submitting a Form
A permit change can be initiated without submitting a form. This is an ideal process for permit changes that require little or no updated information from the initial application. When a permit change is initiated using this method, an “In Process” submission, workflow, and new permit revision or version will be created.
While in a permit functional record, on the bottom right side, click the Modify/Renew/Terminate button.
Note: A permit must be in an active status (In Effect, Extended, Expired, etc.) for the button to appear. Furthermore, this option must be enabled by an administrator for specific permit categories since this option may not be appropriate for all permits.
The display of this button is controlled by the “Allow Internal User to Initiate a Permit Change Without Submitting a Form” checkbox on the Lookups > Permit Category edit page for the corresponding permit category.
The Permit Change Forms selection will allow the user to follow the procedure of filling out a form to initiate the permit change. For this feature, click the Quick Permit Change selection.
The following questions are displayed:
Form: The form associated with the type of change being performed.
Action Type: The action type denotes the specific change to the permit, e.g., whether it’s a minor modification, termination, or reissuance. This is needed on top of the form choice because the form could be used for different actions.
Workflow: The workflow to initiate on the permit change request. The selected workflow should match the type of change being requested.
Workgroup: The assigned workgroup for the new permit change submission that will be created.
Processor: The assigned user for the new permit change submission that will be created.
Submission Received Date: The date the permit change request was received.
Attachments: Scanned paper forms, email attachments, or any other documents supplied by the permittee for this permit change. Uploaded documents will appear on the Documents tab of the submission.
After saving the permit change, a new In Process submission is created, the workflow is added to the submission, and the new permit version/revision is created. The screen refreshes to show the draft, revised permit version/revision.
Key differences from a submission that was received online from an external user:
The submission details page has the ‘Paper Received Date’ filled out, instead of the ‘Submission Receive Date’.
A Manage Submission button does not display since there is no associated nFORM submission.
Any attached documents are displayed on the Documents tab of the Submission Details page.