ICIS-NPDES - Narrative Conditions

ICIS-NPDES - Narrative Conditions

Permit Narrative Conditions in ICIS-NPDES map one-to-one with Permit Schedules in nVIRO. So if a permit had a schedule group with three schedules, the data flow will create three narrative conditions in ICIS-NPDES.

The equivalent concept in ICIS-NPDES for Compliance Actions can be found in the Compliance Schedules payload and follows the same general logic outlined below. 

Narrative Condition Numbers

In ICIS-NPDES, each permit Narrative Condition is uniquely identified with a Narrative Condition Number. that can be up to three digits (up to 999). When a schedule is added to a permit in nVIRO, a sequential Narrative Condition Number is automatically created for each schedule and stored behind the scenes. Narrative Condition Numbers are available in an nVISAGE report in the Schedules datasource.

nVIRO will never re-use or renumber narrative conditions once they have been created.

Narrative Conditions and Schedule Events

In ICIS-NPDES, each Narrative Condition can have multiple Schedule Events. nVIRO will only ever send one Schedule Event per narrative condition. A Schedule Event captures the schedule Due Date and actual (Achieved) Date.

Each schedule in nVIRO will need to map to a Narrative Condition Code and Schedule Event code in ICIS-NPDES in order to flow. These mappings can be found on the Schedule Type lookup edit screen in nVIRO.

The attachment below contains the ICIS Narrative Condition Codes and Schedule Event codes lookup lists as of 4/2023:

Late Violations

Just as nVIRO will create a late violation when a schedule is not received by its due date, ICIS will do the same. In this regard, the behavior is similar to DMRs in both systems.

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