Schedule Types

Schedule Types


Schedule Types are templates that define the characteristics of a specific schedule. Schedule Types can be added to permitscompliance actions or projects to define specific reporting requirements.

A schedule type is associated with a specific nFORM form. This ensures that the form contains the appropriate questions and information that must be supplied by the regulated entity when they submit the schedule. 

Schedule types also determine other behavior such as whether the schedule creates a violation when late, or whether or not the agency can reject a submittal and require the regulated entity to submit a revised report. Schedule types define the schedules within a form set.

Searching Schedule Types

To manage form sets, navigate to Admin > Lookups > Schedule Types. The Schedule Types List screen will display all available schedule types.

Adding or Editing a Schedule Type

From the Schedule Types List page either click the Add New Schedule Type button or Open an existing schedule type.

The following table lists the fields and options available on the Add/Edit Schedule Type Screen



Schedule Type Name

Provides a name for the schedule type. The Schedule Type Name is the default name given to schedules that use this type, although users can override the schedule name with a custom name if desired. Since the schedule type name is shown to external users, the name should be clear and concise.

Program Areas

Indicates which program areas are valid for the schedule type. For example, if a schedule type is only available for Program Area A, only permits and compliance actions in Program Area A can add the schedule type to a schedule group.


Indicates the nFORM form for the schedule type. Once submissions have been created using this schedule type, the form cannot be changed. An error will display if you attempt to change the form on a schedule type where schedules have already been received.

Allow User to Choose a Custom Schedule Name

Reveals an option for agency users to supply a custom schedule name that overrides the schedule type's name.

Default Number of Days Before Due that Submission is Allowed

The number of days before the due date that the schedule becomes available for completion and submission. This prevents users from submitting schedules months or years before their expected due date. This can be overridden on a schedule-by-schedule basis within the Add/Edit Form Set screen.

Allow User to Set Number of Days Before Due that Submission is Allowed

If checked, agency users can change the 'Default number of days before due" interval when adding a schedule to a permit or compliance action.

Violation When Late?

Indicates whether or not nVIRO should create a violation on the day following the due date if not yet received.

Requires Approval

Indicates whether or not the agency can render an approval decision on submissions using this schedule type.

If checked, agency reviewers can set the review decision to Approved, Not Approved, or Not Approved - Closed.

If not checked, agency reviewers will only have the ability to set the schedule to Acknowledged or Requires Resubmission.

Approval Settings

These fields are visible if "Requires Approval" checkbox is checked.

Auto-Approval Date Interval - Indicates that the system should automatically set the schedule to approved after the specified interval from the date of submission receipt.

Auto-Approval Date Interval Unit - The unit to use for the Auto-Approve Date Interval.

"Create Violation When Not Approved" Checkbox - If checked, a violation will be created when a reviewer sets a submission decision to "Not Approved" or "Not Approved - Closed".

Create Combined PDF Upon Entering Decision

Indicates whether a combined submission PDF document should be created when a decision is rendered on a schedule. This checkbox is disabled if the “Documents - Batch Combine” server task is not enabled.

Permit-Specific Behavior

Schedule is Available on Issued (Not Yet in Effect) Permits

Indicates that if the schedule type is used as the basis for a schedule that on an Issued (not yet in effect) permit, then the external user's authorized for the permit's site may fill out and submit the form. If not checked, schedules are only available once the permit is in In Effect status.

Set Permit to Suspended Status if not Submitted by Due Date

Automatically sets a permit to "Suspended" status if the schedule is not received by the schedule due date. If checked, a text box appears in which a reason for suspension can be added. If configured, this reason text can be included in the notification that is triggered by a permit status change.

Route Received Submissions to Permit Agency Contact

By default, received schedule submissions are routed to the permit’s assigned Compliance Manager workgroup and user. When this box is checked, the schedule submission is routed to the permit’s assigned Agency Contact Workgroup and user.


ICIS Codes

Integration mappings for ICIS-NPDES for transmission of Narrative Conditions and Schedule Events.

See the ICIS Narrative Conditions topic for more details.

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