Document Categories

Document Categories


All documents that are generated, uploaded, or submitted as attachments on forms are assigned a document category. Document categories provide means of classifying documents based on their purpose or context. Some document categories are system-required and are not editable.

Managing Document Categories

To manage document categories, navigate to Admin > Lookups > Document Categories. The Document Categories List screen displays all available document categories.

Adding or Editing a Document Category

From the Document Categories List page, either click the Add Document Category button or click Open to view/edit an existing Document Category. The Edit Document Category page opens:

Document Category Lookup Edit Screen


The following fields are displayed on the Edit Document Category page:



Document Category Name

The name of the document category

The Document Category Description

A description of the document category. This field is not used.

Functional Area

The functional area to which the document category relates. Each document category can only be assigned to one functional area.

Program Area(s)

Limits the availability of a document category to one or more program areas. If left blank, the document category is available to all program areas (cross-program).

Add Watermark to PDF Download of Documents in this Category

If checked, a watermark is added to the lower right corner of document’s with this category upon being downloaded, but only if the document is in a Final status.

The watermark text consists of the text configured in the DOC.PDF.WATERMARK_TEXT deployment setting. If the document relates to a permit, the watermark will also contain the permit number, issue date, and expire date if the permit is in an active status.

Saving Changes

To save changes, click the Save button. To cancel any changes, click the Cancel button.

Inactivating or Activating a Document Category

The Status field displays in the right side panel. The Inactive | Active toggle control activates or inactivates the document category.