Creating and Managing Internal Users (Agency Staff)

Creating and Managing Internal Users (Agency Staff)


Authorized users may create and update user information. This page provides information on creation of new internal users.

Authorization to manage user security is restricted. Only users with the “Security - Administrator” role may create or edit user information.

Creating Internal Users

Internal user accounts are created by internal users that have the appropriate administrative permissions.

Note: nVIRO can be configured to use third-party integration for login (authentication) such as Microsoft Active Directory. Some user account settings and options vary depending on whether nVIRO is configured to use stand-alone or third-party account management.

To create a new internal user account:

  • Click on the Admin menu. The navigation menu will appear (if not already displayed).

  • Click Users from the navigation menu. The user list will be displayed.

  • Click the Add New Internal User button. The Users Details will be displayed.

  • Fill out the required user fields on the User Details page and tabs as needed. Note the following:

    • The Username is the login name that the user will use to log in to the system, and should be consistent with the format used for other internal users. External users use their email address as their login username but internal users use a separate username specified here.

    • Assign an initial Password for the user. (This field is disabled for nVIRO installations that third-party authentication integrations since the password is managed in the external authentication system)

    • Notification Delivery Preference determines whether the user will receive notifications within the system only, or via the system and email.

    • Assign the appropriate Security Groups to the user based on the user's job function and necessary level of system access. Be careful here not to give the user greater system access than necessary, as this can create security vulnerabilities and could allow the user to inadvertently change important system settings. At a minimum, all users should be assigned the “nVIRO User” group.

    • Assign the user to the appropriate Workgroup Administration, which will determine the scope of data (applications, permits, workflow tasks, etc.) that the user will be able to see and/or modify.

  • Click the Save button to finish creating the user account. 

    • An email will be sent to the user at the specified email address alerting them that their account has been created. If the creating user assigned an initial password, that password will need to be communicated to the user separately.

For information on individual fields on the User Details, please see the User Management support page.



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