Basic Search

Basic Search


The Basic Search provides searching of records across the system to find matching Site, Organization, or Person records. From the search results, the user may navigate to the corresponding Site, Organization, or Person details. The Basic Search is accessed via the nVIRO Global Search field.

For brevity purposes, all Site, Organization, and Person records are referred to simply as Sites in the following documentation.

Performing a Basic Search

To perform a search:

  • Click or tab into the Global Search field located in the header area.

  • Begin typing search words into the field. As the user enters text or numbers, the search is performed. Up to ten site records and related data that match the specified search criteria will appear.

Tip: Enter an asterisk (*) at the end of your search term to perform a “starts with” search.

  • To navigate to any of the listed records, click on the highlighted site name. If the record has one more more in process or active permits, clicking the permit number link will navigate directly to that permit record.

Available Search Fields

Supported search terms will vary by deployment, but in general, the following fields are indexed for searching:

  • Site Name

  • Site Address, City, and Zip Code

  • Site Alternative Name

  • Site SIC/NAICS Code

  • Permit Number (for Site entities, not applicable to Person or Organization Permits)

  • Submission Reference Number

The search logic employed in the Basic Search is shared with nSITE Explorer.

Search Criteria, Scoring and Ranking

The site search function uses a scoring mechanism to narrow down the list of sites returned. Entering multiple words increases the likelihood of finding the desired site, provided those words match the site name. The more matching words, the higher the calculated 'search score'; the higher the score, the higher the ranking in the list.

For example, entering "Windsor" finds all sites with Windsor in the name. Each site with Windsor in the name receives a score of 1. Entering "Windsor Solutions" finds all sites with either Windsor OR Solutions in the name. If a site has either, it receives a score of 1. If a site has both, it receives a score of 2, ranking it higher in the search list.

The site search function also searches for matching identifiers such as Permit Number, Submission Number, etc. Since these numbers are unique, entering the identifier returns the site related to the identifier at the top of the list.

Limited Partial Name / Text Search. When entering a word to search on in a text field, the default behavior of the search is to match the entire name. For example,

  • Entering the name “Windsor” will score a match for sites that have Windsor in the name.

  • Entering “Wind” will not find sites that have Windsor in the name because the search matches on full words.

  • Entering “Wind*” (asterisk) will match on sites that have Windsor, Windfall, etc. in the name. Note that this match capability is limited to an asterisk at the end of the word.

The Advanced Site Search is recommended for more partial text searches or more targeted searches.

Extended Search

If the Basic Search does not find the desired Site, the user may scroll down and click the View More Results link.

Upon clicking View More Results, the Organization/Person/Site Search page is displayed with an extended list of Sites that match the search criteria.


Search criteria entered in the basic search are carried over to the Search Text of the Site Search. The results are displayed based on ranking.

Once the site is found, the following actions may be performed from the list:

  • Clicking Open navigates to the Site Detail page.

  • Clicking View in Explorer opens the nSITE Explorer application in a new tab.

Clicking the gear icon navigates to the Advanced Search page, which supports more targeted site searches with specific search criteria.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search provides the ability to search for sites based on specific field values. 

After clicking the gear icon on the Site Search, the Advanced Search list is displayed. The Advanced Site provides multiple search criteria. Search criteria are selectable or enterable, depending on the field. Free-form text fields support partial word search.

To search for a site, enter the desired search criteria and click the Search button. The list of matching fields is displayed.

For more information related to searches, see the Search by Topic page.

Certain fields available to search are driven by the Category choice made by the user; for example, SSN does not apply if the selected category is 'Site'.


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