Form Details - Tags Tab

Form Details - Tags Tab

Tags Tab

The Tags tab provides a list of the form sections and controls in the form. This can be useful as a quick method for auditing the questions on a form and can also be used to verify that form fields are integrated with nVIRO correctly.

Tag Inheritance Indicators

When a form has been set up to use inheritance as the parent or child of another form using nFORM data Inheritance, the inheritance is displayed at the top of the tags table. 

Individual control-level source mapping is visible in the Form Tags list, as illustrated in the picture below. The highlighted icon denotes inheritance on the control.

Lookup Mapping Validation

A green mark should appear next to the control tag value for rows where the control type is Contact. The system performs a validation of each contact control to ensure that a matching value exists in the Affiliation Types (Roles) lookup table. If a matching value exists in the affiliation types list, then a green check mark is present. If no match exists, the form will be invalid and no green check mark will be present.

View Tags Between Form Versions

Tags associated with different versions of the form can be viewed using the "Select Form Version to View" drop-down to select which form version's tags to display. The latest form version is selected by default. Previous versions are sorted by version number in descending order.


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