Form Details - Workgroup Routing Tab

Form Details - Workgroup Routing Tab

Workgroup Routing Tab

The Workgroup Routing tab is used to route received submissions to the appropriate workgroup. If processing is always performed by a specific individual in a workgroup, the Default Processor can be set.

Submission Routing can be configured in a few different ways:

  • Always Route to a Specific Workgroup - configure a single workgroup on the Workgroup Routing tab

  • Route Based on Submission Data - Configure a special control in the form design that indicates the workgroup to assign. See the section below for details.

  • Route Based on Geographic Location of Project/Site - Configure workgroups for specific geographic boundaries and add them to the form’s workgroup routing tab. See the section below for details.

  • Combination of Submission Data and and Geographic Location of Project/Site - Both techniques above can be used in tandem. If this is the case, nVIRO will first select the candidate workgroups basd on the submission’s routing control value followed by evaluation of the geographic coordinate.

Workflow Diagram of Form Submission Workgroup Routing Logic

Routing Submissions based on Submission Data

Submissions can be routed to different workgroups based on information provided in a submission. For example, a pollution incident reporting form can route to an Air Quality workgroup if the submitter indicates the incident relates to an air quality issue.

To route a submission based on form data, perform the following steps:

  1. For each workgroup that a submission may need to be routed to, navigate to the Workgroup Edit screen, click the Boundaries and Routing tab, and specify a value in the Workgoup Routing Tag Value field. For example, an “Air Quality” workgroup might have a Workgroup Routing Tag Value of AIR.

  2. Navigate back to the form details screen, navigate to the Workgroup Routing tab, and add the workgroups that the submission may need to be routed to.

  3. In the form design, add a calculated control to the form, tag the control WRKGRP_ROUTE_TAG_VAL, and enter a calculation that sets the control value to the Workgroup Routing Tag Value for the desired workgroup based on an answer to other questions in the form.

Routing Submissions to a Workgroup Based on Geographic Location

Submissions can be routed to a specific workgroup depending on the geographic location of the site or project referenced on the form. For this to function properly, the assigned workgroups must have a county-based geographic boundary. Furthermore, nVIRO must be configured with the appropriate SQL spatial layer data for county boundaries.

A submission record is assigned by default to a workgroup based on the workgroup's inclusion in a county. A workgroup is assigned to a submission based on the county's assignment to that workgroup. The county will be determined by one of three values in the system:

  1. The system will first look to identify the latitude and longitude obtained in the site's location control of the submission record (this is the location control in a tagged SITE within a section also tagged SITE). In order for this method to work, the appropriate SQL spatial layer data for county boundaries must be accurately configured.

  2. If the system cannot determine the county based on the method above, nVIRO will designate the county value on the corresponding site's Site Details page as the determined county for the submission. 

  3. If both of the above methods have failed to determine a county for the submission, the site county provided in the submission record is set as the determined county (this is usually a short text or single select with the tag SITE_CNTY). If the submission is associated with a person or organization site entity, the county in the contact control that is the site will be used (this is a contact control tagged SITE in a section tagged SITE).

Upon submission of a form, nVIRO looks for workgroups associated with the form where the coordinating county has been configured. This workgroup will then be assigned as the default workgroup. If no workgroup associated with the correct county is available, any statewide workgroup associated with the form will be assigned. No default workgroup will be assigned if there are no county-based workgroups that match and no statewide workgroups assigned to the form. 

Note: If there is only one workgroup assigned to the form, this workgroup will always be assigned to the submission record, regardless of the workgroup configuration.

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