

About Forms

Forms are documents available to the public and internal users for submission. The form type distinguishes the purpose of the form. Form types include applications, service requests, permit change forms (modifications, renewals, transfers and, terminations), complaints, and schedules. Form submissions are the primary means of initiating a work activity in nVIRO. Forms are designed and managed by internal users with specific administrative rights.

Searching Forms

To manage forms, navigate to Admin > Forms. The Forms List screen will display.

Administration - Forms List Screen


From this screens, the following data fields are available:

  • Form Name / Short Form Name

  • Form Type

  • Program Area

  • Status

    • Up to two statuses will display; if there exists a draft version (always the most recent), a Draft label will display.

    • If there is a version behind the Draft, the status of that version will also display (Published or Inactive).

    • In addition, the validation status of each of the two versions is displayed. Invalid forms are not available to users to fill out.

Creating a New Form

To create a new form:

  • Navigate to the Forms list screen from the Administration menu

  • Click the Add New Form button. This will open window prompting the user to specify criteria for the form they wish to create.

  • Select the option in the Create Form From drop-down from where where the new form will be created from. The options are:

    • New Blank Form - Creates a new, blank form.

    • Import from File - Navigates to the nFORM Forms List screen where an Import Form button is displayed.

    • Copy an Existing Form - Creates a clone of an existing form.

  • Select the New Form Use Type. The options are::

    • Standard Form - Creates a new form that is not a component form type.

    • Component Form - Only creates a component form. Component forms are customizable data entry screens that can be added to an item within nVIRO.

  • If Copy an Existing Form was selected, the user will be prompted to select a source form to copy from.

    • The list of source forms available will be filtered based on the Form Use Type selected.

      • If Standard Form is selected, forms that are not components will be available for selection.

      • If Component Form is selected, only component forms will be available for selection.

  • Click the Create Form button. Selecting this button will generate the new form.

    • The user will be directed to the nCORE Form Details page for the newly created form.

    • A second browser tab should also open and direct the user to the nFORM Design Wizard for the same, newly created form.

  • At this point the user may design the form in nFORM.

  • Once the form has been designed and saved, the Form details should be edited to activate the form (see below).

Exporting and Importing a Form

A new form can also be created by exporting the form from one environment (e.g., UAT or Test) and importing it into another (e.g., Production).

This method always creates a new form in the target environment. It is not possible to overwrite an existing form with an imported form.

  • In the source environment, navigate to the Form Details page (Admin > Forms) and click the Design button for the form in question to open the Form Designer page.

  • At the bottom of the page, click the Export button to download the form to your computer as a .export file.

  • In the target environment, navigate to the Form Details page (Admin > Forms) and click the Add New Form button.

  • In the Add a New Form dialog box, click the Create Form From drop-down control and select Import from File:

  • Click the Click Here link to navigate to the Forms Manager page.

  • Click Import Form in the upper right of the Forms Manager page.

  • In the Import New Form dialog box, click the Choose File button, browse to the .export file on your computer, and select your organization under “Select the organization the new form will be associated with”.

  • Click the Import button.

  • A new form is created and given an initial tag consisting of a randomly generated number (e.g., 3423423662). Be sure to change the form tag to a meaningful value, consistent with how other forms are tagged. (This doesn't have any effect on functionality but is important for organization and being able to identify forms by their tag names. For example, the tag AIR_NEW_TITLEV_APP is more useful than a tag of 23485430457.) Important: The tag must be unique, i.e., it must be different from any other form tags in use.

  • Text is automatically appended to the form name to indicate it was imported; edit the form name to remove this text. At this point, the form can be edited and published just like any other form.

  • It will take a few minutes for the form to appear on the Forms list page in nVIRO; you might need to navigate elsewhere in the application first, or log out and log back in before the form appears.

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