Site Dashboard
The Site Dashboard displays timely information about submissions, permits expiring, fees awaiting payment, and other items of significant interest.
Dashboard Tabs
The dashboard displays the following tabs:
Priority - Submissions that are overdue, due soon, or items that otherwise require immediate attention by an authorized external user.
Upcoming - Forms that are due to be submitted soon.
As Needed - Forms that are available to fill out and submit at any time relating to a permit, project, or compliance action.
Draft - Submissions in draft status that have not yet been submitted.
To Be Signed - Submissions that are awaiting signature by an external party before they can be submitted.
In Process - Submissions that are in process at the agency.
Priority Items
Items display on the Priority tab when they meet the following criteria:
Submissions that require corrections and resubmission by the submitting party.
Schedules that were not approved by the agency, that require corrections and resubmission by the submitting party.
Submissions that require payment before they can be submitted for processing.
Draft submissions that have not yet been submitted.
Schedules required by a permit, compliance action, or project that are due within 7 days or are overdue.
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) that are due within 7 days or are overdue.
Permits that have expired or effective permits where the permit’s renewal due date is overdue and a permit change form for the permit (requesting renewal or termination) has not yet been submitted. (Note: some permit types may not display on the dashboard when renewal is overdue or the permit has expired).
Pending access requests where a person has requested to be added as an authorized user.
Any charge or invoice with a balance due.
Upcoming Items
Items display on the Upcoming tab when they meet the following criteria:
Schedules required by a permit, compliance action, or project that are due between 7 days and 1000 days from today’s date.
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) due between 7 days and 30 days from today’s date.
Permits that will expire within the next 30 days or have a renewal due date that is within the next 30 days and a permit change form for the permit has not yet been submitted.
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