Local Units of Government (LUGs)

Local Units of Government (LUGs)

A Local Unit of Government is a city, municipality or other government entity that may have involvement with an environmental permitting or compliance process managed by the Agency. nVIRO offers configuration options to assist with managing information about LUGs affiliated with a specific project.

LUG List

LUGs are maintained as Lookups available under Admin → Lookups → Local Unit of Government - LUG. If the LUG lookup does not appear in the Lookups list, it has been disabled for a given client environment and will need to be enabled in the database.

A LUG only consists of a Code and Description value.

Configuring LUGs in an nFORM Form

A nightly process synchronizes and changes to the LUG lookup list with an nFORM Dynamic Datasource named LUGS. Configure a control on an nFORM form to use this datasource to populate the control with the available LUGs.

If the nFORM control is tagged SITE_LUG_NAME, LUG can be used both for form prefill and also to update on the the Site Detail screen in nCORE when the form is submitted.


LUG is available on the Core SITE datasource in nVISAGE.