Configuring Feature Component Forms

Configuring Feature Component Forms

Feature Components connect information between a permitted feature and information in a repeating section on a component form. For more information about feature components, review the Feature Components page.

In order for a program component to be eligible for use as a feature component:

  1. it’s Component Type must be configured for the permit functional area.

  2. it’s Component Type must have the “Allow this Component Type to be Added Multiple Times to Target Entity“ checkbox unchecked.

  3. the form must contain a repeating section containing a control tagged FEATR_ID_TXT to store the Feature Identifier.

If a feature component has been properly configured a image-20240222-175724.png label will appear next to the component in the Component Types and the Program Components list on a functional area entity.

To Do: Describe how the Permit Feature Sequence Number configuration on the Feature Types edit screen will result in auto-numbering new features when filling out a submission or adding to the site plan.

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