Associating External Users with Sites


External users need to be authorized for (or "associated with") a site in order to view and submit forms and reports for that site. This may be accomplished through a variety of means, including:

  • An internal user (agency staff) may send an invite to the user to join the site.

  • An external user (with Administrator privileges) may send an invite to the user to join the site.

  • An external user may request access to a site.

  • An invitation letter may be generated, providing the user a Verification Code allowing them to join the site.

Invite From Internal (Agency Staff) User

If the site doesn't have any external users associated with it, an internal user (with appropriate permissions) can send an invitation to an external user as follows:

Invite User Screen


  • Enter the name and email of the user to invite. Be sure to use the same email address that the user used to register with the nVIRO system. (If the user has not yet registered an account in the system, they will be prompted to create an account after receiving the invitation.)

  • Select the role to be granted to the user. There are four external user roles, each provide a different level of access to the site:

    • Viewer - Can view site information but not make changes.

    • Editor - Can fill out forms and reports. May require certifier permissions to submit, depending on the form.

    • Limited Editor - Can fill out forms but cannot edit or view any forms created/drafted by other users. This role is specific to certain Organizations, and is not available for all program areas.

    • Administrator - Can edit site information, invite other users to join the site, inactivate users, and request certifier permissions for users (see below).

  • Depending on system configuration, a checkbox may appear allowing to set the invited user’s certifier rights.

    • Select either Request Certifier Status or Approve Certifier Status checkbox to allow the user to submit forms and reports requiring certifier rights. The option displayed depends on system configuration. If Request Certifier Status is displayed, the invited user's Certifier Access is status to Pending, whereas Approve Certifier Status will automatically set the Certifier Access status to Approved.

  • If one or more forms have been configured as Restricted Access the Restricted Forms Access settings are displayed. The user will have rights to begin and edit the selected restricted forms for which they have been given rights.

  • Click the Send Invitation button.

The user is sent an email containing an invitation link. When the link is clicked and the user logs in to nVIRO, they will be added as an authorized user for the site and will be able to work with the site according to the role assigned.

An invitation may be deleted. When an invited user attempts to accept a deleted invitation, they are not provided access. A message is displayed, indicating that the invitation is not active or has not been found.  

Invite From External Admin User

Once an external user with the Administrator role has been added to a site, that user can then invite other users to the site and assign them the appropriate permissions:

  • As an external user (assigned the Administrator role for the site), log in to the system, select the site from the Site dropdown list (only necessary if your user is associated with multiple sites), and then click Authorized Users.

  • Follow steps 2-7 under "Invitation from Internal (Agency Staff) User" above to send an invitation to the intended user.

External User Submits a Request to Join a Site

This method allows an external user to request access to a site through nSITE Explorer. For more details, see Submitting and Processing an External User Request to Join a Site. Users can "Claim a Site" as follows:

  • Create an account in nVIRO. (See Creating and Managing External Users (Regulated Community) Self Registration).

  • On the welcome page, choose Add a Site → It is currently registered with [System Name] → Facility Search.

  • Search for the site and click to select it.

  • Click the Claim This Site button:

A form containing the fields Name, Phone, Email, Reason for Request, and Account Role is displayed, showing current user information.

  • Complete the fields as necessary and click Submit.

The claim request is now submitted and will be reviewed by either an existing, active site administrator (a member of the regulated community that is previously affiliated with the site) or an authorized agency representative. See Submitting and Processing an External User Request to Join a Site

Generate Invitation Letter Containing a Verification Code

Authorized agency users can generate letters that can be mailed to individuals or companies. The letter can contain a Verification Code that can be redeemed by external users from the User Profile screen after logging in.

See Verification Codes for additional information.

A verification code is valid for a single site and can only be redeemed once per site.